Police Crackdown on Illegal ATVs on the City's Streets


Council President Igliozzi & Finance Chair Ryan Commend Them for Their Efforts

City Council President John Igliozzi (Ward 7) and Councilwoman and Finance Chair Jo-Ann Ryan (Ward 5) are commending the Providence Police Department for cracking down and confiscating 30 ATVs confiscated in the last two weeks since Igliozzi and Ryan called for enforcement of the City Council’s ATV ordinances.

Finance Chair Ryan stated:

“Out of control ATV gangs have been thumbing their nose at our laws and causing fear in our neighborhoods for far too long. In 2017 I drafted and enacted legislation to keep dangerous ATVs off our City streets. In doing so, my Council colleagues and I created a clear, legal framework that prohibited the operation of illegal ATVs and gave the Providence Police Department the power to seize and destroy any ATVs operating illegally. I want to thank the Providence.”