Crime Prevention Tips to Keep Our Neighborhoods Safe
Play It Safe While Staying at Home
Dear Neighbors,
I hope you and those you love are healthy and safe. These are difficult times for so many, and there are some that might take advantage of our collective anxieties around what is happening in the world.
Recently, there has been an uptick in car break-ins, and other worrisome activity in and around our neighborhood. I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some easy and effective ways to keep you and your property safe from potential break-ins:
Photo by Supersmario/iStock / Getty Images
Tips for Playing It Safe
Leave your porch lights on throughout the night, and if you have motion detector lights - make sure they are in working order.
Keep your car doors locked, and remove all valuables from your car. Don't give anyone a reason to want to break-in to your vehicle.
If you are able, invest in external camera's that are visible to any potential criminal. There is data that shows that home's with outside cameras, or doorbell camera's are less likely to be targeted.
If you are going out of town, leave lights on and let your neighbors know that you are traveling - be sure to let them know when you are leaving and when you are returning.
If you see something, say something. If you feel like there is a suspicious vehicle or activity happening on your street call the non-emergency Police line at 401-272-1111.
No April Community Meeting for Ward 5
On another note, I would normally be having my community meeting this evening, but due to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing, and the stay at home order it has been canceled. If you have any immediate concerns, please feel free to call my office at 401-521-7477 or email us at We remain open and are ready to assist in anyway we can!
I also would like to remind you all to be safe, stay home, don't gather in groups larger than 5 people, keep track of who you interact with everyday (it should be the same 5 people), and if you are sick call your doctor and ask to be referred to one of the State's testing sites for COVID-19.
Let’s stay strong. Stay at home. And for important updates regarding COVID-19 follow the City Council COVID-19 web page.
I am here if you need anything, and we will get through this together.
Jo-Ann Ryan
Majority Lead Providence City Council
Councilwoman, Ward 5 - Elmhurst Manton Mt. Pleasant