In Praise of Rhode Island College

An Op-Ed Piece from Majority Leader Ryan

The Mt. Pleasant Avenue entrance to Rhode Island College

The Mt. Pleasant Avenue entrance to Rhode Island College

I recently had the opportunity to share my thoughts about the importance of a Ward landmark, Rhode Island College. Please see an excerpt below, and then read the full article on

Rhode Island College, nestled in the working class neighborhoods of Fruit Hill and Mount Pleasant, plays a vital role in driving both the Providence and Rhode Island economies. It is essentially Providence’s Fertile Crescent, that region of the Middle East that gave rise to early civilizations and technological advances. The rich soil and presence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers provided a diverse ecosystem that led to the flowering of diverse and vibrant societies, serving as a bridge between Africa and Eurasia.

From its humble beginnings in 1854, as a couple of buildings known as the Rhode Island State Normal School (as a teacher preparatory school), RIC has seen steady growth and gradually evolved into a major regional college, offering programs through five schools: the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development, the School of Business, the School of Nursing, and the School of Social Work.​

See the full Op Ed piece here →