Pleasant Valley Stream Storm Water Project

The Beginning of the Construction Phase


On Friday, May 10, Majority Leader Ryan announced the beginning phase a a major project in the ward designed to help homeowners clean and mange storm water run off into the Woonasquatucket River from the Pleasant Valley Stream.

Councilwoman Ryan said:

“Storm water mitigation is important to the ecosystem of the Pleasant Valley Parkway and stream,” stated Majority Leader Jo-Ann Ryan, Ward 5 Councilwoman. “As a resident of the Parkway, I know first-hand the challenges that flooding has caused residents living in this corridor. And because the Pleasant Valley Parkway is the largest section of the Woonasquatucket River that makes ground in a residential neighborhood, we must ensure that the area’s storm water runoff is cleared of contaminants and pollutants. This is not only good for the environment but also benefits the Narragansett Bay cleaning effort. This is yet another step towards making Providence a greener and more sustainable City.”

This phase of the project will involve planting trees to create a filtration system.

About Tree Filtration Systems:

Tree filter systems integrate common street trees with storm water collection to achieve a viable and sustainable alternative to a traditional “end of pipe” system, while still meeting storm water management and remediation goals.

Tree filter systems utilize the principal of “bio-retention” – the natural process by which chemicals and sediments are removed from storm water runoff prior to subsurface infiltration.